Title: Disneyland Parks and Resorts Star Wars Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Light Up Umbrella. Condition: New with Tags This was only opened to take pictures. The battery chamber also still has the original tape. Size: 33″ long, 41″ canopy diameter, 2 diameter handle. Color/Design: Luke Skywalker Blue Lightsaber. This light up amazing lightsaber umbrella is one of a kind. Get this awesome umbrella now. Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your business. Magic in the details.
Disney Parks Star Wars Light Up Lightsaber Umbrella Luke Skywalker Handle NWT
Title: Disneyland Parks and Resorts Star Wars Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Light Up Umbrella. Condition: New with Tags This was only opened to take pictures. The battery chamber also still has the original tape. Size: 33″ long, 41″ canopy diameter, 2 diameter handle. Color/Design: Luke Skywalker Blue Lightsaber. This light up amazing lightsaber umbrella is one of a kind. Get this awesome umbrella now. Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your business. Magic in the details.