Star Wars Celebration 5-Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster- Darth Vader Pin

Star Wars Celebration 5-Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster- Darth Vader Pin
Star Wars Celebration 5-Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster- Darth Vader Pin

Star Wars Celebration 5-Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster- Darth Vader Pin
This pin features poster artwork for Star WarsT: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. The top of the poster reads: The Star Wars Saga Continues. The artwork of the poster is Darth Vader’s Helmet against a black starry background. Underneath Vader’s helmet is the Empire Strikes Back Movie Logo. Followed by the names of the actors starring in the film. At the bottom of the poster reads: Coming to your galaxy this Summer. This pin was released at Star WarsT Celebration V. 1 1/2″ x 1 3/4″.
Star Wars Celebration 5-Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster- Darth Vader Pin